Japanese Pronunciation English
soto uke so-toe oo-kay outside to in block
uchi uke oo-chee oo-kay inside to out block
gedan barai gay-dan ba-ri lower parry
juji uke joo-gee oo-kay cross block
jodan uke jo-dan oo-kay upper block
mawashi uke ma-wa-she oo-kay double circular block
osae uke o-say oo-kay suppressing block or parry
sune uke soo-nee oo-kay shin block
Japanese Pronunciation English
soto uke so-toe oo-kay outside to in block
uchi uke oo-chee oo-kay inside to out block
gedan barai gay-dan ba-ri lower parry
juji uke joo-gee oo-kay cross block
jodan uke jo-dan oo-kay upper block
mawashi uke ma-wa-she oo-kay double circular block
osae uke o-say oo-kay suppressing block or parry
sune uke soo-nee oo-kay shin block
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