Directions and Targets
Japanese Pronunciation English
age a-gay rising
ago a-go chin
gammen ga-men face
gyaku gyak-oo reverse, rear
hidari hid-ar-ee left
hiji hee-gee elbow
migi mee-gee right
morote more-oh-tay double or reinforced
oi oy front
ushiro oo-she-ro rear, to the back
Japanese Pronunciation English
age a-gay rising
ago a-go chin
gammen ga-men face
gyaku gyak-oo reverse, rear
hidari hid-ar-ee left
hiji hee-gee elbow
migi mee-gee right
morote more-oh-tay double or reinforced
oi oy front
ushiro oo-she-ro rear, to the back
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